Thales inscribed angle theorem states the angle at below is smaller than that at if is inside the circle, and larger if it is outside the circle. Furthermore, for a fixed segment inside the circle, the angle at will always be the same regardless of where on the circle is, as long as it is on the same side of
Try moving the points or around to see how it affects the angles!
Source Code
window.onload = function() {
var M = 6;
brd = JXG.JSXGraph.initBoard('box',{
grid: false,
o = brd.create('point', [0, 0], {name: 'O'});
c = brd.create('circle', [o, 4], {name: 'C'});
a = brd.create('glider', [3, 0, c], {name: 'A'});
b = brd.create('glider', [-3, -3, c], {name: 'B', label:{offset:[-15,0]}});
p = brd.create('point', [-1, 2], {name: 'P'});
opts = {strokeColor: 'blue'};
lab = brd.create('segment', [a, b], opts);
opts = {strokeColor: 'blue'};
lpb = brd.create('segment', [p, b], opts);
lpa = brd.create('segment', [a, p], opts);
op = brd.create('line', [o, p], {visible: false});
pp = brd.create('intersection', [c, op, 0], {name: 'P\'', label:{offset:[0,15]}});
opts = {strokeColor: 'green'};
lppb = brd.create('segment', [pp, b], opts );
lppa = brd.create('segment', [a, pp], opts);
opts = {strokeColor: 'lightblue', strokeWidth: '1px'};
lopp = brd.create('segment', [o, pp], opts);
angp = brd.create('angle', [b, p, a]);
angpp = brd.create('angle', [b, pp, a]);
var setAngleLabels = function() {
brd.on(function() { setAngleLabels(); }, 'move');